Our Worm Beds
This is where our compost members' food and paper waste ends up. ALL of the approved organic waste given to us is composted, no if's, and's, or but's. Unlike a landfill, there are virtually no methane or nitrous oxide emissions (greenhouse gases). Look below, you can see that our food and paper waste is exposed to the air. This prevents the greenhouse gases from forming and is why vermicomposting is an eco-friendly way to dispose of your food waste.
Fast Facts: Size: 120 sqft. Location: Fully Indoors Type: Continuous Flow Bin Max. Waste Capacity: 420 lbs of food waste per week Average Temperature: 80 °F |
Believe it or not, our bed does not have a strong smell! (Unless the bed is overfed or unbalanced). This is a combination of the good airflow, paper (carbon) added, and quick work of the worms. If you've considered starting your own indoor vermicompost bin, but worry about the smell, I hope this helps convince you a non-smelly bin is possible.
We initially started our bin outdoors, inside of a hoop-house. However, I soon realized the advantages of moving it indoors, namely--no temperature fluctuations, less bugs, and no raccoons!
If you are looking for advice on how to build and manage your own vermicompost bed, feel free to reach out. We also offer tours of our bed, just drop us a line!
If you are looking for advice on how to build and manage your own vermicompost bed, feel free to reach out. We also offer tours of our bed, just drop us a line!