Products We Support
Disposable Plates & Bowls
With plates the biggest thing is to make sure they are NOT COATED with anything. No plastic coating or compostable plastic coating. Worm composting friendly alternatives include those cheap, uncoated white paper plates you can find anywhere...but if you need something sturdier, here's our recommendations.
Brands we approve of: Chic Leaf & Matter (bowls & plates only)
Brands we approve of: Chic Leaf & Matter (bowls & plates only)
Plastic Bags
With compostable bags, they MUST have the "OK compost" and/or "TUV Austria" certification on them, otherwise they will only breakdown in hot compost piles. Bags labeled as "commercially compostable" are NOT worm compostable.
Brands we approve of: Unni & Oggi
Brands we approve of: Unni & Oggi
With cutlery, they must be made from wood, bamboo, or uncoated paper. No plant based plastic cutlery. Again they will often say "compostable" but are actually only broken down via industrial hot compost piles.
Brands we approve of: Earthclusive
Brands we approve of: Earthclusive